Sdružení přátel historických počítačů je dobrovolná zájmová organizace, jejímž cílem je popularizace výpočetní techniky a její historie mezi širokou veřejností a zachování historické výpočetní techniky pro budoucnost.


Mac Plus versus AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+: oldies-but-goldies samozřejmě vyhrál

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Hal Licino said that while modern PCs have more functions, this causes code bloat and means that the software that you use the most runs less effectively.

He ran a Mac Plus with a nine inch black & white screen and all-in-one packaging and compared it to an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ running Vista.

The result was that the the 1986 vintage Mac Plus beat the 2007 AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ in nine tests to eight.

Out of the 17 tests, the antique Mac won 53 per cent of the time! It also beat the AMD from the time the Power button is pushed to the time the Desktop is up and useable by nearly a minute.
Of course it does not take into account that in our experience the Mac was more likely to catch fire than the newer AMD.

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