Sdružení přátel historických počítačů je dobrovolná zájmová organizace, jejímž cílem je popularizace výpočetní techniky a její historie mezi širokou veřejností a zachování historické výpočetní techniky pro budoucnost.


Acorn Electron v Soutěži počítačové historie (Extra PC 10/07)

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Acorn Electron byl poprvé představen v roce 1983, tento kus byl pořízen v roce 1986 a jeho pořizovací cena (bez příslušenství) odpovídala asi třem měsíčním platům.

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Variace na téma Pac-Man: vzpomínejte!

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Pacman Championchip Edition Screen
Ms Pacman Maze Madness Screenshot
Pac-Mania Screenshot
Pac-Mania Amiga Screenshot
Pac-Man Arrangement Screenshot
Crush Roller Screen
3-Demon Screen
Pac The Man X Screen
Mad Mix Screen
Mad Mix 2 Screen
Pac Maniac Screen
Pacz Screen
Pacz Screen

Ivo tried a bunch of shareware titles for this article, hoping to find something exceptionally good. He didn’t, and although he found plenty that were exceptionally bad, there were actually some good ones that may be worth the registration fee for the full version. The beauty of shareware is that you can decide for yourself after playing the free trial (and I already saved you the trouble of wading through the worse stuff). All three involve one of the best ideas to tweak the Pac-man formula: weaponry (I couldn’t find any nice shareware Pac-man spin-off that didn’t involve shooting - go figure).

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Vzpomínky na IBM PC

This old box logo
IBM PC front shot

In the early '80s, IBM had built a stellar reputation for itself selling mainframe computers to big businesses. But the back rooms of conglomerates weren't enough for Big Blue — or as it was known back then, Medium-Sized Teal (no, not really).

Despite their previous failure to sell an affordable microcomputer with the IBM 5100, the company decided to try again after seeing the success of the Commodore PET, Apple II, Tandy's TRS-80s and the Atari 8-bit computers.

Bill Gates accepted IBM's offer, but Microsoft wasn't up to the challenge of writing an operating system itself. Microsoft instead bought the rights to QDOS (the "Quick and Dirty Operating System") for $50,000, written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products. QDOS itself was based heavily on the CP/M operating system. Paterson had bought a CP/M manual and used it as a basis to write QDOS in six weeks — with just enough changes to fly on the upside of legal.

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Vintage Computer Festival 10.0

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Vintage Computer Festival 10.0

Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th
Computer History Museum
Mountain View, California

The 10th annual Vintage Computer Festival will be held on Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th, at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

The doors open at 9:30am each day. Speakers begin at 10:00am and end at 2:00pm. The Exhibit and Marketplace open at 2:00pm and end at 6:00pm. The Film Festival begins at 11:00am.

Admission is $20 per person per day for full access to Speakers, the Exhibition, the Marketplace and the Film Festival, or $12 per person per day for Exhibition, Marketplace and Film Festival access only.  Kids 17 and under are admitted free of charge, and parking is free.

Please select one of the links on the right for more information.

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8bitový retro game sound synthesizer


It's not a straight emulation, but is based around the SID chip with some extras for that 8-bit retro game sound, lofi gritty noises or just plain oddness
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