Sdružení přátel historických počítačů je dobrovolná zájmová organizace, jejímž cílem je popularizace výpočetní techniky a její historie mezi širokou veřejností a zachování historické výpočetní techniky pro budoucnost.


Nerealizovaný prototyp telefonu Apple aneb letitý předchůdce iPhone

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In late June, the iPod iPhone hit the US market. Apple aficionados queued for days to be first in line to get their greedy little paws on the long awaited gadget. fudder-employee Marc Esslinger is an Apple-fan as well – also because he has a very special relationship to Apple. His father Hartmut Esslinger
designed the famous Apple IIc, which was Apples first portable computer (1984). fudder presents Marc's personal Apple-Story and a Photo-Gallery with partly never before seen Apple-Designs of the early 80s. For example: The very first iPhone from 1983.
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The History of Video Games

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The History of Video Games


Added:Mar 5, 2007

Modified:Jul 1, 2007 21:45

This is the history of video games. The information is taken from US Public Broadcasting System (PBS) "The Video Game Revolution", and from a timeline on Infoseek by Amanda Kudler.

tags:history video games pc games xbox nintendo sega game gaming sony playstation arcade microsoft fun
sourceAmanda Kudler, Infoplease, PBS
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